Teachers and performers are welcome to use the space from 7:pm as class time as long as you know equipment will be set up till 8pm during your class or performance.
Opening circle for Dance Freedom is at 8pm
Community members are welcome to use the space from7-8 as class or rehearsal time
Please email the title of what you would like to teach and a brief description and teacher bio.
Pick the date you would like to teach.
items for consideration.
Be aware even if you decide to put out a hat for donations and use a boom box . set up for the dance will need to happen at 8 pm we will try to be as quiet as possible.
We are asking Students to donate $15-20 for the class and they are welcome to stay for the dance at no additional charge.
Other Money Stuff, if no donations come in you do not have to pay anything, If you donate the class again you owe nothing. We do ask that the $100 in rent gets covered before you pay yourself.
If you ask Galen to come in early and setup before your class starts you do need to pay him $15 for the hour even if no one comes to the class. Please contact Robin Williams Info@dancefreedom.com if you are interested in creating a pre dance event.
At the end of the evening community members are welcome to share a 20 minute performance. This is a time for community members to perform , teach a mini class, try out providing music or lead a community building activity.
Dancers tend be a creative bunch. There are many musicians, actors writers and artists of all sorts among them. So, the Middle tends be a time when there is a performance done by a community member.
These events are coordinated by Robin Williams. If you are interested in volunteering a performance at the end of the dance, you will need to speak to her at the dance or email her.