Welcome to Dance Freedom
Dance Freedom is a 501c3 Charitable organization. Dance Freedom believes that music and free style dance together are one of the most powerful vehicles for the expression of joy, creativity, human unity, as well as healing, and the experiencing of higher consciousness and spiritual transformation.
At Dance freedom we are experiencing the joy of dance and leaving the cultural expectation as social dancing being part of courting behavior behind. A dance is just a dance, a brief perfect moment in time. free yourself from expectations Enjoy dancing alone with a partner or in a group. There is no wrong way to move.
Dance Freedom sees itself as creating a "sacred space" - not in a religious sense - rather as a precious ritual outside every day reality where the community can come together through dance and music to celebrate and revere life, humanity, our planet, our universe, and the power of love.
We meet online every Wed and friday Night 8:30-9:30 email info@dancefreedom.com for zoom link
The Dance Friday/Freedom will meet in person at
8 Inman st. Cambridge ma.
8:-10:pm on Fridays
Fridays: January 10th, January 31st, Feb 28th, April 25 , May 30th, June 13
March 14th and 15 Dance weekend
Will be held at St John's 74 Pleasant St., Arlington Ma.
Email info@dancefreedom.com if you would like to teach a the weekend
What to Expect at a Dance Freedom Event
7:30 pm the space is open for setup of dance freedom
8pm- 9:30pm The Dj's bring you on a dance journey .
9:30-9:50 live music or cool down
9:50 pm. There is one final circle dance and Dance announcements to complete the night. The dancers are always encouraged to help take-down at this point so that we can be out of the space by 9:30PM.
Before You Arrive
Be clean. Please arrive fresh with a clean body and clothes, as some of us are sensitive to any scented products (including essential oils) or strong body odors.
• Be clear-minded. We dance free of alcohol and illegal substances.
• Leave your shoes and smartphones off the dance floor. And please leave any valuables at home or safely hidden in your car. (Note: If you need shoes for foot health, we welcome soft-soled shoes that have not been worn outside.)
•We Recommend that you Bring a Dance Bag with your name on it.
Use the bag to carry in your dance clothes and shoes a drinking vessel to fill at fountain in hall behind dance space. Use the bag to store your street clothes and shoes while you dance.
Holding a Safe and Sacred Space
• Dance and move however you feel it. There's no right or wrong way to dance.
• Be curious, open, and accepting. Please suspend judgements of self or other
• Refrain from talking on the dance floor. Take all conversations to the library behind the DJ.
• Move with care and awareness through the space. Help us avoid collisions on the dance floor.
• Be mindful of others’ personal boundaries. Dance Freedom is very contact-friendly, but we all have different levels of comfort when it comes to being approached and touched. Get enthusiastic non-verbal Consent before touching anyone. If you don't want to dance with someone, empower your no. One way is to bring your hands closed to your chest and bow in a gesture of 'no thank you’.
A solo-dance bracelet that glows in the dark is available at the front Desk. Please put one on if you feel more comfortable dancing alone or if you want to select your own dance partners rather than being asked.
Please look for these bands and respect that dancers wearing glow bracelets are on their own journey this evening and do not want to be approached for a dance.
Non-verbal dance requests typically involve one person dancing up to another and making eye contact and perhaps extending a hand.
To refuse a non-verbal dance request, just break the eye contact and turn away from the person. If some one refuses your non-verbal dance request in this way, move away immediately.
• No taking pictures or video. with out explicit permission from individuals in the photo.
A White board is available for community announcements.
Being with Our Music
During the dance a very wide variety of music across different genres gets played . If there's a song that doesn't seem danceable at first, we invite you to be curious and try to discover it in your body. Or use it as an opportunity to work with the judgements that arise. Or hold witness for how others are feeling the music. Or take a break to get some water. Just know that the music keeps changing, so something different is coming soon. We keep a comment book in the hall for feedback and requests for music from dancers.
Want to volunteer to help create the music. You can Get mentored by dance freedom Djs and help create the magic.
Fall in love with dance, fall in love with yourself.